Tips for vim

2013-10-26 12:36:00 +0000
1.How to copy between two terminals using vim?
  1. open file a
  2. copy the items (using yy)
  3. close file a (Main point)
  4. open file b
  5. paste the items
  6. save and exist file b
2.How to copy to system clipboard?
if `:echo has('clipboard')` return 0
	install clipboard first by running
	sudo apt-get install vim-gtk
else `:set clipboard=unnamedplus`
	use "+y | "+2yy to copy and +p to paste
3.How to put the current line to the top of the screen?

From time to time, I’m typing at the bottom of the screen.So I need to go back to the top.
####solution: z || zt #to the top zb #to the bottom zz #to the middle #####Tips:All of those command keep the cursor where it was ###4.vim moving between windows? ####C-w ###5.Debug using vim? #### makefile + pyclewn + vim Use pyclewn to debug C/Python (Using gdb/pdb) **See more on ** [pyclewn org]( ###6.vim paste indent problem? When I paste code into document from clipboard, I get extra space in new line:

		line ####To solve this:
:set paste   #turn on the paste mode
#do the paste you need
:set nopaste  #turn off the paste mode ###7.using book mark?
Command	 Description
ma	 set mark a at current cursor location
'a	 jump to line of mark a
`a	 jump to position of mark a
d'a	 delete from current line to line of mark a
d`a	 delete from current posi to posi of mark a
c'a	 change from current line to line of mark a
y`a	 yank   from cursor to position of mark a (to unnamed buffer)
:marks	 list all the current marks
:marks aB	 list marks a, B