Add user to linux

2013-07-01 19:17:00 +0000

When my workmate has spent lots of time working to get a ubuntu run on computer, but failed. We finally decided to copy my virtual ubuntu to him and add a new user account for him, which turns out to be a good good idea. The command used are as follows:

sudo adduser thegeek    
Adding user 'thegeek’…                             
Adding new group 'thegeek’ (1004).                 
Adding new user 'thegeek’ (1004) with group 'thegeek’.    
Creating home directory '/home/thegeek’.                  
Copying files from '/etc/skel’                            
Enter new UNIX password:                                  
Retype new UNIX password:                                 
No password supplied                                      
Enter new UNIX password:                                  
Retype new UNIX password:                                 
passwd: password updated successfully                     
Changing the user information for thegeek                 
Enter the new value, or press ENTER for the default       
Full Name []: The Geek                                    
Room Number []: 0                                         
Work Phone []: 555-1212                                   
Home Phone []: 555-1212                                   
Other []:                                                 
Is the information correct? [y/N] y

At here we’ve done. The next time you log in the system, you choose the new user to log in and finally you get the right system you want.

The user command:

su -      
su: Authentication failure

To fix:

su -      
$ sudo passwd root     
[sudo] password for ramesh:     
Enter new UNIX password:     
Retype new UNIX password:     
passwd: password updated successfully